Ospitalità Italiana nel Mondo
Who the project is for.

Companies that want to take part to Ospitalità Italiana project have made a “choice of identity”: they decide to underline the decision to emphasise that their production, their gastronomic offering, become a full and proper expression of Italian culture. Italy and the Italian spirit are, therefore, at the core of their business model.

While this choice does not rule out the physiological process of innovating recipes and changes stemming from being «abroad», their proposal nevertheless retains a number of cornerstones that relate to tradition: the experience gained by their chefs, pizza makers, and gelato makers as “masters” of Italian cuisine/production is the full proof of this fact.

Ospitalità Italiana (Italian Hospitality) project is aimed at enhancing the commitment of these business men and women who wish to establish their business model founded on taste and quality «with an Italian matrix» and express it in the fundamental sectors of the business.
It is in order to showcase this commitment that each regulation, in the specific areas under evaluation, establishes the minimum requirements to be able to qualify for the Ospitalità Italiana trademark.

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5 Reasons for business

1 Trust

Being an “accredited” business is a way of inspiring trust in customers; marketing studies show an unquestionable increase in turnover of businesses that have received accreditation for quality or choices of sustainability, accessibility, etc..

2 Typicality

In an increasingly widespread, interconnected market, the typicality established by a recognition that values product, process, professionalism, is a way to escape from the “indistinct buzz” of offers that are increasingly similar to each other.

3 Communication

For a business applying for the Ospitalità Italiana trademark, the communication, in its multiple aspects, is consistent with the product, its origins and also, to reinforce the message, with references to Italy in general.

4 Market

Having a recognisable and defined identity, communicating it in an organic and coherent manner, contributes to enhancing the excellence of the offer in order to capture an informed clientele, which makes its choice by measuring quality.

5 Business

The businesses in the Ospitalità Italiana nel Mondo network can participate in initiatives organised to promote the membership structure and the Made in Italy brand.

The “certified” choice of identity of a business

A way to qualify your business by standing out in an oversaturated market


In the course of 2022, the brand is extended to Italian Pizzerias around the world, dedicated to pizzerias that know the art of leavening and are able to offer a quality product, and have a menu that shows strong links to the Italian culture of pizza-making art, as well as taking great care in communicating their activity as a business offering a typical Italian food.
The project targets the “Italian pizza” on the plate, therefore not only the Pizza Napoletana STG, in order to highlight the Italian food that perhaps more than any other reaches every type of person in every corner of the world and is almost always a symbol of socialisation.
As is the case with the regulation for Pizzerie Italiane nel Mondo, the communication of Made in Italy is highly emphasised as one of the cornerstones, together with the product and the skills of the Pizzaiolo, and the meaning of “Typical Pizzeria”.

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The Ospitalità Italiana Gelaterie italiane nel mondo trademark was created in 2019 for the 2021/2022 year.
The “superpower” of gelato is being able to adapt to any season, latitude and ingredient to the point of being capable of generating over 600 flavours.
True Italian gelato does not only depend on “typical flavours”, but on the production process and the level of quality achieved through artisan production and preservation techniques that have been refined over centuries.
True Italian artisan gelato comes from the expertise of the gelato maker who knows how to decide on the best recipes for gelato (the creams) or for sorbet (of fruit without milk). A true Italian gelato parlour is equipped with machines capable of producing and storing the gelato so that it does not lose that quality that creates the taste “which can be felt on the palate”.
Great importance is placed on the communication of the Italian gelaterie, starting with the sign, in order to establish a distinctive line for a network in which the word “typical Italian” is expressed consistently.

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The Ospitalità Italiana (Italian Hospitality) brand was Launched with the year 2009/2010, dedicated exclusively to Italian Restaurants in the World.
Italian cuisine is widespread everywhere, having started out in the suitcases of our migrants in the 19th century. It is not only a cuisine for students and families, but it is common to find it in top restaurants with internationally renowned chefs.
It is precisely this widespread popularity that makes it exposed to the risk of losing its fundamental characteristic of belonging to the Mediterranean diet and losing the typical recipes that have made history and shaped the appeal of Italian cuisine.
Italy’s rich heritage of agricultural and food products is one of the most imitated in the world, so much so that, especially in the historical countries of Italian emigration, they almost feel they are their own.
Alongside this, in recent decades there has been an offer of products, sometimes of less than excellent quality, that use labels imitating Italian products known for their high quality production.
The regulation for restaurants focuses a high degree of attention on the products used, the skills of the chef, the structure of the menu and the wine list, considering them cornerstones of a good Italian

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The Pillars of the project



A number of references to Italy, in the furniture and décors, which create an atmosphere of “identity”



a service that knows how to tell the story of products, recipes,
territories of origin, which can trigger the customers’ imagination



expert hands that know how to make the most of original products, skilfully preparing and combining them to express the original flavours of a healthy and genuine cuisine, be it homestyle or gourmet,
traditional or innovative, but never ordinary…



constitute the elements of a “typical” activity and are the pillars which are identified by the Ospitalità Italiana trademark



valorises and helps in the promotion, highlighting true typical Italian businesses in a world of copies and competition that is sometimes

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